Welcome to the Hillingdon Manor secondary site. Our site is located across two buildings where we have provision for Year 7 up to Year 14.
The Semi-Formal Curriculum at key Stage 3
The semi-formal curriculum at Hillingdon Manor School is for children and young people with severe learning difficulties. Our rationale is based on the extensive research of respected educationalists in the world of SEN including Peter Imray, Penny Lacey and Barry Carpenter, the SEND code of practice, the national curriculum and the recommendations of the Rochford review (October 2016). The term ‘Semi-Formal Curriculum’ was first coined by Whitefield Academy Trust (2011), our lead teaching school for Initial Teacher Training. The semi-formal curriculum recognises that many of the young people have a range of complex learning difficulties; the curriculum is designed to meet learning needs by a personalised learning approach based on:
- becoming literate communicators
- becoming mathematical thinkers
- the acquisition of early learning skills which encompasses
- the development of thinking skills
- play (emotional, cognition and social dimensions)
- creative learning
- movement
Our Semi-Formal curriculum has its own curriculum areas, which are different to, but encompass the subjects on the UK National Curriculum: My Communication, My Thinking, Myself and My Body, The World About Me, Me and My Community, My Creativity, My Play & Leisure Skills, My Personal Development, My Forest Schools and My ICT. There are overlaps between our semi-formal curriculum areas and subjects on the UK National Curriculum. However, our semi-formal curriculum areas are designed to offer something totally distinct, to directly address SLD learning need, rather than an adaptation of the national curriculum in any form.
The Semi Formal Curriculum at Key Stage 4 & 5
Pupils in Key Stage 4 & 5 following the Semi-Formal Curriculum begin the Equals Moving On 14+ programs of study.
Moving On offers an easy-to-use, flexible, all-inclusive curriculum with national accreditation for pupils aged 14+ years who experience difficulties in learning. Moving On is structured in five, one-year programmes; Adventurer, Explorer, Traveller, Voyager and Globetrotter. The Programmes incorporate subject areas taken from three Courses of Study; World Studies, Independent Living and Vocational Skills. These can be taught in any order or combined and are supported by Functional Skills and Literacy and Numeracy programmes. By covering all five Programmes a student would complete a broad and balanced curriculum during their post-14 education. At Hillingdon Manor School we have created a 5 year route planner, working across all 5 programmes throughout each year; though there is a heavier emphasis on the Globetrotter Programme for year 14, as the units are largely around transition and moving on to new placements.
The Formal Curriculum at Key Stage 3
Pupils following the formal curriculum pathway in Key Stage 3 access the national curriculum adapted to meet their individual needs. Pupils’ access maths and English in ability specific groups and all other areas of the curriculum are studied in consistent form groups with familiar peers and support staff. Form groups are created based on a combination of: academic ability, national curriculum year group and social and emotional needs. Although pupils’ classes following the formal pathway are able to access the national curriculum through subject specific learning, many are working below their age expected attainment therefore many are working towards Key Stage 2 outcomes. Once pupils have reached stage 6 secure (End of year six expected attainment) pupils move on to follow the KS3 National curriculum and begin to work towards pre-GCSE outcomes. Form tutors deliver: maths, English, Humanities, PSHCE and RE. Specialist subject teachers deliver: Science, D&T, art, computing, music, drama and physical education. Pupils are given provided a broad and balance curriculum aimed at preparing them for undertaking appropriate qualifications after KS3 and being able to make an informed choice about which subjects they will choose to pursue at GCSE or BTEC level.
The Formal Curriculum at Key Stage 4&5
The formal curriculum at Key Stage 4 and 5 aims to provide our pupils with the opportunities to access certifications with great flexibility in terms of the time they are allotted to complete a course. Whereas a typical student in a maintained placement would be expected to complete GCSE courses in Year 11 after two years of study, our pupils are given the opportunity to extend their course length or resit GCSEs in order to achieve a higher or preferable grades. In addition, the amount of GCSE courses on a student’s timetable will vary depend on the needs of the student. Some pupils may elect to take on five GCSE subjects in a single year, which we can offer, whereas others may prefer to break this up over a three or four-year period.
Key Stage 4 and 5 Options
During years 10-11 our young people have the following options:
• English
• Maths
• Science
• + 2 Further Options
For more information on options currently available, please click here.
GCSE Courses On Offer
- Pearson English Language
- Edexcel Mathematics
- AQA Combined Science
- AQA Design Technology (Resistant Materials)
- CIE IGCSE Computer Science
- AQA History
- AQA Geography
- AQA Art and Design
For pupils that are unable to access a GCSE upon entry, we offer Entry Level Certificates (ELC) for core curriculum subjects. These courses are used as a ‘step-up’ to GCSE level work.
ELC Courses On Offer
- Pearson Entry Level Certificate in Maths
- Pearson Entry Level Certificate in English
- AQA Science ELC
In addition to the above certifications, we also offer functional skills courses. These are designed to teach skills that are applicable to practical life skills and are less intense in content than what is taught in a GCSE and operate on a pass-fail system.
Functional Skills Courses On Offer
- Edexcel Functional English (Entry Levels and Level 1/2)
- Edexcel Functional Mathematics (Entry Levels and Level 1/2)
We also offer a range of BTEC and NCFE courses, such as:
- BTEC Sport
- BTEC Home Cooking Skills
- BTEC Construction
- BTEC Land Based Studies
- BTEC Applied Science
- NCFE Managing your Money (Level 1)
Work Experience
For pupils that wish to gain the skills to move on to work, we offer flexibility in our curriculum for work experience to be embedded into student timetables. Work experience is typically offered to Key Stage 5 pupils, and we support pupils with both internal and external work placements.